I know how it feels to keep screwing up, and not being able to stop.
I wish I could go away for a while and allow time to go to work and start healing.
I'm in the middle of mud, and I am struggling to gain control; but the mud has the best of me, and my attempts are futile. I'm exhausted.
My life is a big drama with no intermissions. Sometimes, I wish for the curtain call.
I yell, scream, cry. Sometimes I want to hide.
That is all anyone knows of me anymore. Pathetic.
It is what I am known for. It is what people count on. ~Nuts~
I want to shut up and be still for so long that when I do finally speak, I will be strong, calm, and reposed. ~Placid~
No defending. No mending.
Peoples words would bounce off me, and drop to the floor. ~Bang!~
No more 'gettin my goat'. When they can't get a rise from me, what a boring subject I will be.
No more caring about others opinions, no more allowing someone to dictate my peace.
I won't allow myself to explain, explain, explain....
I'm tired of talking. It gives me a headache!
Oh! How they will think I've finally snapped! But, that is okay.
At least I won't be yelling.
Blah! Blah! Blah! There is something to be said for silence.
Observe, be still, keep them guessing. Quiet, sshhh!
Get busy being quiet.
Get busy getting it together.
Get busy getting a life.