Sunday, December 12, 2010

How I chose the name for Blog...

I chose the name for my blog from a poem I had written. The poem is as follows:

Wonderlust and Broken Dreams
I was a fair faced child, with freckles on my nose-
I smiled with such ease, was full of life, I seemed to glow-
I looked at life through rose tinted glasses, wondelust and dreamy, I am a lot like my dad, or so it seemed.
The resemblance is uncanny, there is definately no doubt, I'm his daughter, the first child, and my mother was proud.
An event took place that changed me forever-
I wouldn't even recognize how until later.
My dad would leave, leaving behind him, a path of destruction, pain, hurt, and confusion.
It didn't seem to phase him, he had already decided, as he pulled away, I stood at the window and cried. Not fully believing that he would leave me, cause when he left I felt he took his love with him.
After the shock settled, the worst was to come, this girl would grow up chasing his love.
I'd make bad decisions, poor choices in men, have no self worth, and always give in-
There'd be a yearning inside me, a continual search, for someone to capture, and cure my hurt.
Through all my experiences, one thing has rang true:
to show her his love-
make her feel cherished, and know true love.
Be the port in the storm, strong, and guide her,
make her feel safe from the world around her,
let her know she's loved through and through,
so when she grows up, she'll know what to do......

My dad's leaving set a chain of events that forever changed my life. One of the biggest has been the 'perpetual search'.....

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